
HttpService is a framework-agnostic HTTP client built on top of axiosopen in new window

The purpose of creating HttpService is to provide a tool with an easy way to handle the axios setup reducing the complexity to manage the configurations for multiple hosts.

Why Not ...?

Use axios only

Axios is a powerful HTTP client lib and in the most use cases we don't need to handle multiple host to make API requests, so if you are looking for reducing the axios setup for multiple hosts clients in your projects, or you are a OOP lover, this package is for you.

Build on top of the JS fetch API

The javascript fetch API is great as well, however axios is one of the best packages for make request with a big community support, and in our experience axios covers the mostly edge cases that we need. In the another hand, the goal of this package is not to provide a new HTTP client built form scratch to cover the same use cases, which can introduce issues that are already solved in axios by the community.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Eduardo Salazar